Thursday, April 1, 2010

Middle Names

I am 80% sure that I am having a girl. It's just a feeling. I knew Joseph was going to be Joseph from the very first of the pregnancy. I knew he was going to be born on the 16th nearly a month before he was born. And at the beginning of my labor, which was around 13 hours, I knew that he would be born around 4 AM (4:46 AM). So, I'm trusting my feelings for now and thinking that this baby will be a girl.

I already know that I want her name to be Anne. I've known that I would have an Anne since Mitchell and I were engaged. But Mitchell doesn't like the middle name that I wanted. I wanted Cordelia, but Mitchell and his brother, Ross, say it sounds like cornucopia too much. So I have no middle names. Mitchell wanted Annabelle, but we determined that Annabelle Ellis sounds awful.

Anyone have ideas?


  1. What letter do you want it to start with? Do you want to stick with a C or do you have a preference?

    (Incidentally, Annabelle Ellis Sounds Awful would make a great title for a children's book!)

  2. How about Marie? Anne Marie has a nice ring to it, don't you think? :)

  3. I automatically go family when it comes to figuring out middle names. But Anne is so simple it is difficult to find a good coupling. You could go Anne Marie...hee hee. Lynn would make a lot of n's. I personally like Noel, Faith or Rose

  4. I did some thinking and I came up with a few ideas :)

    Anne Elizabeth Ellis
    Anne Christine Ellis
    Anne Eleanor Ellis
    Anne Marie Ellis

    Those are the ones I can think can always Google girl baby names :)
