Joseph LOVES to dance. He also loves rock music. Since before he was born, that has been his music of choice. He used to dance in my belly when Mitchell would play his music. Yesterday, Mitchell was listening to something and Joseph started dancing all crazy. It was really cute.
Some of his favorite music includes (Don't feel obligated to watch all of these. I know that this is not the musical taste of many of you. Joseph has his daddy's taste in music):
Some of his favorite music includes (Don't feel obligated to watch all of these. I know that this is not the musical taste of many of you. Joseph has his daddy's taste in music):
Yngwie Malmsteen
Steve Vai
Michael Jackson (his favorite is Rock With You, but I can't get a video)
Deep Purple
and Europe
Dutch is the same way! Linkin Park and Flogging Molly both put him in a good mood (and me too, so that's nice).