Friday, June 29, 2012

Hand, Foot, and Mouth

On a Thursday, couple weeks ago, Annabelle got a funny rash that spread from her diaper area to the rest of her body. I decided to take her in to the doctor the next morning.

That morning, she had a very low fever and Joseph suddenly had one that was a bit higher. So I took them both in. While waiting for our turn with the doctor, Joseph threw up. After being examined, the doctor felt for sure that this was strep throat. He could see sore spots in their mouths and Annabelle's rash looks like the one that comes with Scarlet Fever, although he didn't think she had that. He did rapid strep tests on them both (Joseph threw up again because of his) and those were negative. So he sent us home and told us they would do cultures to re-check.

On Saturday morning, Joseph seemed entirely better. Annabelle seemed to be doing better as well; her rash was almost gone, too. We just figured it was a quick virus and we were glad because we didn't want to miss church.

On Sunday, we let them sleep in and only went for the last hour of church, which is Sacrament Meeting for us. They seemed like they were doing way better, so we also went to the ward Father's Day barbecue. However, after the barbecue, I found blisters all over Annabelle's diaper area. And you could tell they were hurting her a lot. This seemed really weird to me, so I called and talked to the on-call nurse at the doctor's office. She told us that Annabelle had Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease! When I got off the phone, I looked at Annabelle's hands and feet and saw little red spots on them. Then I checked Joseph and found the same thing, but he seemed to have more. As the evening progressed, we noticed the kids scratching a lot, so we put hydrocortisone and socks on their hands and feet. They looked pretty cute with sock hands.

The next day, Joseph's spots seemed mostly better. A few had blistered, but most had just disappeared. But Annabelle was an entirely different case. Her hands and feet were covered in blisters and the blisters were spreading up her legs and on her arms. She also had a pretty high fever and was just completely miserable that whole day. So in the evening we took her to the doctor. She met with a PA first, who said that she looked like some really bad cases of HFM that he had seen. But he wanted to get a second opinion just in case, so he brought the doctor in (a different one than the one that diagnosed strep). This doctor took a look at her and determined it was a herpetic virus, similar to the one that causes cold sores. He explained that sometimes kids will get the virus from someone who has a cold sore and, instead of just getting a cold sore, the virus breaks out on their whole body. They prescribed an anti-viral to stop the reproduction of the virus so that she wouldn't get any more blisters.

Annabelle decided with this illness that she hates taking medicine (she used to take it like candy), so we battled over tylenol and benadryl a lot over that week. Luckily, we could put the antiviral in her milk and she couldn't tell the difference (she had to take it 4 times a day for 3 days). She stopped getting spots and the ones she had started to heal. She finally seemed to be doing better.

However, a few days ago, she started a process of peeling that I thought was a part of HFM, so I really have no idea what she had. Her hands and feet are peeling where ever there were blisters; Joseph's are doing the same. But since the ENTIRE bottom of her feet were cover in blisters she is losing all of the skin there. We've had to hold her down every evening so that we can clip some of the dead skin off so that it doesn't catch and pull on things. She hates it, but it seems like the process is almost over. I finally found my camera a couple days ago, so I was able to get some pictures of her poor little feet.

This foot still has most of the dead skin on it, only the toes had been peeled so far.

This foot had peeled the entire bottom off. It's all red and wrinkly and feels just like a newborn babies foot. She also has a band-aid on her second toe where she lost the toe nail. :(

This is just a comparison of the two feet together. Since the picture was taken, almost all of the left foot has peeled as well.

This is a side view. You can sort of see where the old skin is and the new skin starts.

The peeling process seems to be almost over, but her feet and hands are very tender and she doesn't like them getting wet or being touched a lot. She walks on her tiptoes a lot because she doesn't like how her feet feel on the ground, but she doesn't like wearing shoes either. I'm just glad that the process is almost over and that she is finally getting back to normal.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nothing Interesting...

I lost my camera. Last time I used it was about a month ago, and I have NO idea where it is. I've cleaned and organized every inch of my bedroom, which is where we normally keep it, and I have checked all the other usual spots. No luck yet...

I feel like my posting ideas are much more limited because I don't have a camera to take pictures of fun things we do. I guess I could try posting some of the older pictures that are on my computer...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Changing My Mind

I just posted yesterday about how we are planning on moving into a larger apartment. We have decided to stick it out in our current apartment for the next year until Mitchell finishes at BYU.

Several things led to us changing our minds:

~ Earlier this week, I was talking to my dad and I mentioned that we were planning to move. He was like, "Why?" His suggestion was to save up the extra money that we would be paying for a bigger apartment. That led us to think about the fact that, right now, Popi is paying for our rent and we don't want to ask him for an extra $100 a month.

~ Today in Relief Society, the lesson was on President Uchtdorf's Forget-Me-Not talk. As we were talking about his "Forget Not to be Happy Now" point, I realized that I have been putting all my thoughts towards moving, thinking that we will be happier after we move. Talking to Mitchell about my impressions helped me realize how wrong I was in feeling that. Moving would be so much work and we are FINALLY feeling moved in to this apartment (it's only been 2 years).

~ The final factor was just realizing how much I love the ward we are in and that I don't want to have to get to know all new people right before we move again.

It's going to be an adventure living with 4 of us in this small apartment, but I know we can do it and it will be so much better for us. I'm actually excited about going back to do everyday things instead of constantly working towards moving.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Work, Work, Work

In an attempt to blog more, I deleted all the games on my Facebook and I pinned the Blogger page to my browser. My hope is that when I'm bored, eating, or otherwise unoccupied and sitting at my computer, I will blog instead of playing games.

Today is an organizing day at our house. We are hoping to move into a 3 bedroom apartment this summer, so I've been going through each room and super-organizing. I've finished the kids' room and managed to keep it clean since. I'll be finishing our room today, which has been the messiest room in the house for several months (we couldn't see the floor for most of that time). I'm going to start on the hall cupboards and closet this afternoon and hopefully finish them quickly so that I can move on to the kitchen. I'm scared of my kitchen. It's SO messy. But I was scared of cleaning this room before I started and now it looks great! This is seriously the cleanest it's been since Annabelle was born. Yay!

I'm also finishing up the mountains of laundry that have been sitting around our house. I've spent around $15 on laundry in the past week and it's pretty cheap here compared to regular laundromats.

Now off to do more work!