Saturday, March 27, 2010

Errands and an Anti-Nap

Mitchell doesn't have class on Fridays and Saturdays, so they end up being my errand days. He was exhausted when he got home from Chick-Fil-A because he had gone into work at 6 and hadn't gotten home from work the night before until 12-ish. So Joseph and I showered and dressed quickly so we could leave and Mitchell could take a nap. We went to Rite Aid and the library. There was supposed to be free donuts available at the church, so we went there and there was 1 very sad looking donut left. I ate it. Then we drove to the closest hospital so that Joseph could have his bloodwork done. When we got there, they said they didn't have any needles small enough for him. It was raining by then, so we just drove home. Joseph napped in the car.

Once we got home, we had some lunch and then I was exhausted so I decided to take a nap. Mitchell was watching a movie, so I told him to watch Joseph. After a few minutes, Mitchell came and laid down. Apparently, he hadn't been able to sleep earlier, so he hadn't have a nap. It turned out that Mitchell slept while I dozed and tried to keep Joseph out of stuff and stop him from beating me up. By the time Mitchell got up, I was even more tired, very annoyed, and I had a headache. That's why I call it an Anti-Nap.

I eventually recovered and got the kitchen clean and did some laundry. Overall, it was a pretty good day. I think today's going to be good, too. I'm just going to have to get used to Joseph's new early waking up (8:30 the past 2 days when it used to be 10!).

Friday, March 26, 2010

Long Walks and Housework

I can't even remember what I did yesterday morning, so it must not have been anything important. I think I just did stuff on the computer. I do remember that after Mitchell went to class, I kept smelling smoke while I was sitting at the computer. There's a bunch of repairmen fixing stuff around the complex, so I figured it was something they were doing. Then I turned around and saw a small fire outside of my front window. Somehow some of the woodchips in the area next to our apartment had caught on fire. They put it out and everything was fine, but it was a little scary at first.

Joseph and I showered and then we walked to Rite Aid, which is just down the street. I browsed at different beauty products until Joseph couldn't stand to be there any longer. Then we walked down to Food Lion. When I got home with the groceries, I learned that buying eggs and walking home with them is not a very good idea because 4 of them broke on the way home.

Because we were out walking during naptime neither of us got a nap. So Joseph actually fell asleep at 8, which is early for him. I was considering going to bed early, but Mitchell called me while delivering pizzas. He was frusterated because one of his managers had been really condescending and rude to him. I decided to clean up the living room (which looked like a train wreck) so that he would have something nice to come home, too. I went to bed at 10 when I couldn't stay awake any longer. I've been absolutely awful about housework the past week or so and it felt really good to get the living room clean.

I'm feeling pretty great today and the sun just broke through the clouds, so I think it's going to be a beautiful day. I'm planning on getting a lot of good stuff done today.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who Are You Really?

I already posted today, but if I don't do this now, I won't do it, but I WANT to do it.

Favorite Color? Lavender and Red

Favorite Christmas? It was 2006. My step-dad, Marty, was on duty on his ship, the Bataan, on Christmas day, so we opened presents Christmas Eve, which also happened to be a Sunday. We had Advent that month for the first time that I could remember, reading articles from the Ensign, lighting candles, and drinking hot chocolate. Christmas Eve was great. We opened presents after church. I felt like everyone tried really hard to get presents that they knew would fit they person they were given, too. On Christmas Day, we ate dinner on the Bataan. It was pouring rain when we ran to the ship, but it was still really fun. I just remember it as a time when my family felt closer than ever.

Favorite Books? The Harry Potter books. They are the only books that I can read every year and not get bored of. I have lots of good memories of them, too.

Favorite Movies? Sleeping Beauty and Pride & Prejudice (the 2005 version; it's just so beautiful)

What Do You Collect? I used to collect Sleeping Beauty things, but it's been a few years since I've gotten anything new.

Guilty Pleasure? Playing The Sims 3. My dad got me The Sims 10 years ago when it first came out and I've been addicted since then. Until the past few years, I always bought every expansion pack and stuff pack that came out. So I guess I sort of collected that, too.

The Way You Would Spend the Day If You Could? It actually changes depending on my mood. Last night, I would have said: Reading on the couch with a big mug of milk and a box of Krispy Kreme donuts. Today, I'd love to spend the day outside. At the park, gardening, or at the beach or the zoo. Too bad it's Mitchell's busy day.

When Would You Have Lived If You Could? Probably end of the 40s & beginning of the 50s because of the music and the clothes and the relatively slower pace of life.

Something People Would Be Surprised to Know About You? I'm trying to think of something. I usually tell everyone everything about me. But my family who haven't been around me that past few years are reading this, I guess I can say stuff that I thought people knew. Probably my 2 biggest dreams are 1) to sing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and 2) to get a degree in Interior Design.

If You Could Travel Anywhere In the World, Where Would It Be? It might sound silly, but I have dreamt my WHOLE life of going to Disneyland and Disney World. When my hormones are crazy (i.e. PMS or pregnancy) I will actually cry if I see a Disneyland commercial because I want to go so badly.

Busy Morning, Lazy Afternoon

Okay, so yesterday morning was really busy for me. On most mornings, Joseph and I don't wake up until 9:30 or 10 and then we take our time eating breakfast. Yesterday, we had morning appointments and Mitchell was working at Chick-Fil-A, so we had to drive Mitchell to work at 5:15 in the morning. When we came back, I fell asleep before setting an alarm. We slept through our 7:45 WIC appointment. But we got up and ready to make it to Joseph's 15 month well-baby check-up just in time. The doctor was not happy about his progress. He's 15 months, but he's only 20 lbs. and 28 1/2 inches. He also isn't walking or even really trying to walk. So now I have to make sure to force feed him 4 full meals a day, add Pediasure to his diet, give him vitamins every day, get his blood checked for anemia, and take him to a specialist to see why he isn't walking and why he's "failing to thrive." Mitchell called asking to be picked up just as the doctor walked into the room. He was very patient and waited 45 minutes for us to get there.

Once we were home, I did nothing for the day. I was hungry and ate some almonds while trying to figure out something more substantial. Mitchell left for class and I ran into the bathroom and puked up all the almonds. That just seemed to ruin me for the rest of the day. I was exhausted, weak, and out-of-it for the rest of the day. I just read and Joseph played and did his own little things. When Mitchell came home, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner. And then we came home and went to bed early.

I think the rest was good because I'm feeling better today. I have this desire to garden, but I don't have anywhere that I can garden. Oh well, I'll just go for a long walk instead.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm not Martha Stewart...

Last night, I tried making some cupcakes that I got in a Martha Stewart email. While I was making them, I was also making dinner and feeding an uncooperative Joseph dinner. Mitchell invited our friends/old roommates, Aaron and Staci, over for dinner at the last minute, so I was also showering and straightening things up. They didn't turn out like her cupcakes. They were still pretty good, but not as cute as hers. I only had 2 jumbo egg whites instead of 3 large egg whites and I couldn't get them to beat into stiff peaks, I also didn't have the right decorating candies.

Dinner was still fun, even though Aaron and Staci didn't show up until an hour later because they were playing Final Fantasy VI and couldn't get off yet. I thought I was going to starve to death and I was annoyed because I had been rushing to shower and it took them FOREVER to get here. We ate and watched the new episode of House.

Today's been super busy already and it's only noon, but I'll post about all that tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Exhaustion and Games

I'm tired. That's all the thought that my brain can really hold right now. My house is a huge mess, but it took me most of the day to work up the energy to clean any of it. My kitchen is semi-clean now (dinner last night messed up it's cleanliness) and there isn't a mountain of laundry on my bedroom floor. I think I'm going to have the same problem today. Exhaustion is weighing down all my muscles and aching in my bones and my brain is working at half-speed. I don't know if it's just being pregnant or if the change in the weather is affecting me (it went from being bright, sunny, and warm to gloomy, rainy, and cold on Sunday). I think all I plan on doing today is reading until it's time to make dinner for Mitchell and go to Ellen's for American Idol. Maybe a day of rest will help me feel better.

On a somewhat funny note, Mitchell's friend Peter came over last night to play a game with us. The funny part is the game. When I became a part of Mitchell's family, I learned that they like to play role playing games. Mostly they just play Star Wars the Role Playing game, but occasionally Dungeons and Dragons and other similar games. When all of his siblings are in town, we spend hours playing Star Wars. So last night, Peter came over to help us roll up characters for a game called HackMaster. I'm in the process of creating a Halfling Thief and Mitchell is a Human Warrior. Apparently, this is going to become a weekly thing. It's going to Mitchell's de-stresser until the end of the school semester. He's under a lot of pressure because it's his last semester before he gets his degree and now he's also working 2 jobs. So anyways, that was our FHE activity last night.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm Getting Too Distracted...

Okay, I've been doing an awful job of posting. And it's so funny because I'm actually having exciting things happening in my life. Mitchell finally started at Chick-Fil-A this morning, so I'm going to try to post in the mornings while I eat breakfast because the computer will be free and I tend to eat breakfast in front of the computer anyways (partly because the desk is our only table-like surface).

Here's a quick update of some of the things that have happened:
  • We were able to have dinner with Aunt Becky and Uncle Clyde on St. Patrick's Day. It was really fun. Later in the evening, Mitchell insisted on going somewhere Irish to drink root beer because we don't drink real beer. The place he wanted to go to (Keagan's) had a line starting to wrap around the block. So we went to Kelly's Tavern and he ate a horrible Reuben with soggy french fries and I didn't eat my cheesecake because it was too disgusting.
  • The weather turned BEAUTIFUL. It's been in the high 70s and low 80s the past few days, so we've spent a lot of time outside.
  • Mitchell was accepted to BYU-Provo for the Fall semester!!! We are VERY excited. I can't wait to get out near family again.
  • I started spring cleaning and got my desk cleaned and organized for the first time since we moved in. The rest of the house is a disaster, though. Mitchell says the house was cleaner before I started spring cleaning.
  • I'm approximately 8 weeks pregnant and I have my first appointment this week. I'm still morning sick, but haven't thrown up for a while. I've had a few scares, though. I almost puked all over our tables at Logan's Roadhouse, Chick-Fil-A, and my mother-in-law's table when guests were over (these were all different days). Luckily, I kept it all in.

Well, that's all for now. I'm going to try REALLY hard to post tomorrow.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Morning Sickness is taking over my life!!

I don't really feel like posting, but I want to get back in the habit. To be truthful, I don't feel like doing anything. I do have a reason for that, though. In order to deal with my morning sickness, I'm taking half a Unisom and a Vitamin B6 twice a day. Since Unisom is a sleeping pill, I'm tired all day and night. I'm also wearing motion sickness bands on my wrists from the minute I wake up until it's time for bed. And I still throw up every morning! I would rather be tired than severely nauseated, though. When I was pregnant with Joseph, the morning sickness lasted until I was around 15 to 18 weeks pregnant. Hopefully, it won't last as long this time around. Mitchell is very understanding of my exhaustion and sickness. The past couple days, he's fed Joseph breakfast while I've been in the bathroom puking. He did his own laundry today. And he isn't complaining about my almost non-existent cooking and cleaning. I did clean the kitchen and living room yesterday, but they are already a distaster. And all my energy was spent grocery shopping today. The only thing I can think to do is push myself a little harder.

I hope this isn't too much of a downer. I'm not depressed or anything. I'm really just too exhausted to have any real emotions. One good thing is that I've been getting a lot of good reading time.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I know it's been a long time since I've posted. I'm going to give you some excuses as to why I haven't. And it's not because nothing interesting has happened. In fact, it's been an eventful month.

Excuse #1 - I started trying to post a Best of 2009 List with pictures and it got complicated and messed up and then Joseph prevented me from finishing. It seemed too complicated so I kept procrastinating posting it and my linear mind wouldn't let me skip it and come back later.

Excuse #2 - Mitchell has a bunch of big projects for school that require him to spend a lot of time on the computer, so he's frequently using it.

Excuse #3 - We've been sick again with fevers, coughs, and congestion. Joseph's has turned into his 2nd ever ear infection. The funny thing is that the only 2 ear infections he's ever had have happened just since January.

Excuse #4 - We found out a couple weeks ago that I am expecting Baby #2. I've been exhausted, moody, and, just in the past week, morning (all-day) sick.

I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard, but I decided to force myself to post or I probably never would. And Mitchell's drawing in his sketchbook right now, so the computer's free for once (it's Spring Break this week, so he's on the computer 90% of the day).

I'll have more updates when I'm not so exhausted.