Saturday, October 17, 2009


So I have looked on just about every costume website and called all the stores in the area and the costume that I want to buy for Joseph is out of stock EVERYWHERE! Mitchell says that I'm not allowed to sew it because it will be too frustrating for me. He's probably right. I have enough stress right now. I asked for email notification on all the websites of when they will have a costume available. And it's too late to change because we already bought Mitchell's costume and it arrived today. We are all going to be matching. And I'm not revealing what we are dressing up as yet, so you'll just have to wait.


  1. You are a wonder woman, dear cousin! I have to tell you how great it was to see you at the reunion =) I got used to having you live close while you were here with your mom and now I miss seeing you!

    I thought also I'd drop by and let you know that we confirmed this weekend that I am pregnant :) we're very excited :)

  2. Yay!!! I'm so excited and happy for you!! I hope your pregnancy is 100 times easier than mine and I hope your little baby will be as sweet and wonderful as mine is. And I miss seeing you, too. It was fun being there with you guys.
