Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fail. Sorta...

So I didn't make the cookies today. The errands took most of the day and Joseph was cranky for the in-between times.

BUT... I did buy Mitchell's Halloween costume and the pumpkins that we are going to carve for FHE tomorrow night. I also got the food coloring for the frosting. Tomorrow is going to be my cookie making day, I think. Although, I'm starting to think I want to wait until next week to make them. I'm thinking it would be a fun to deliver the cookies to people as a FHE activity. Maybe we'll do that tomorrow and carve pumpkins next week.

Anyway, today was mostly okay. I got a splitting headache and a horrible backache in the early evening. Joseph was being fussy and I couldn't handle wrestling with him for dinner, so Mitchell traded shifts with a co-worker and got off early to be with me. Pain combined with a cranky baby pushes me to the edge. Luckily, Mitchell has good friends at work that are willing to help out. I promised Kevin some Halloween cookies for trading with Mitch.

K, I'm exhausted. Now I just have to get Joseph to go to sleep so that I can go to sleep.


  1. Heya, Katherine! It's your cousin Carianne. Heidi passed along the link to your blog - how neat to get back in touch with you!! Come visit me on mine, too. Love you!

  2. It is hard to plan anything when you have a baby (or toddler)!
