Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who Are You Really?

I already posted today, but if I don't do this now, I won't do it, but I WANT to do it.

Favorite Color? Lavender and Red

Favorite Christmas? It was 2006. My step-dad, Marty, was on duty on his ship, the Bataan, on Christmas day, so we opened presents Christmas Eve, which also happened to be a Sunday. We had Advent that month for the first time that I could remember, reading articles from the Ensign, lighting candles, and drinking hot chocolate. Christmas Eve was great. We opened presents after church. I felt like everyone tried really hard to get presents that they knew would fit they person they were given, too. On Christmas Day, we ate dinner on the Bataan. It was pouring rain when we ran to the ship, but it was still really fun. I just remember it as a time when my family felt closer than ever.

Favorite Books? The Harry Potter books. They are the only books that I can read every year and not get bored of. I have lots of good memories of them, too.

Favorite Movies? Sleeping Beauty and Pride & Prejudice (the 2005 version; it's just so beautiful)

What Do You Collect? I used to collect Sleeping Beauty things, but it's been a few years since I've gotten anything new.

Guilty Pleasure? Playing The Sims 3. My dad got me The Sims 10 years ago when it first came out and I've been addicted since then. Until the past few years, I always bought every expansion pack and stuff pack that came out. So I guess I sort of collected that, too.

The Way You Would Spend the Day If You Could? It actually changes depending on my mood. Last night, I would have said: Reading on the couch with a big mug of milk and a box of Krispy Kreme donuts. Today, I'd love to spend the day outside. At the park, gardening, or at the beach or the zoo. Too bad it's Mitchell's busy day.

When Would You Have Lived If You Could? Probably end of the 40s & beginning of the 50s because of the music and the clothes and the relatively slower pace of life.

Something People Would Be Surprised to Know About You? I'm trying to think of something. I usually tell everyone everything about me. But my family who haven't been around me that past few years are reading this, I guess I can say stuff that I thought people knew. Probably my 2 biggest dreams are 1) to sing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and 2) to get a degree in Interior Design.

If You Could Travel Anywhere In the World, Where Would It Be? It might sound silly, but I have dreamt my WHOLE life of going to Disneyland and Disney World. When my hormones are crazy (i.e. PMS or pregnancy) I will actually cry if I see a Disneyland commercial because I want to go so badly.


  1. I want to go to a Disney theme park, too. We plan on it and then stuff comes up and the money is used for necessary things. I want to go before my kids get too old.

  2. When I was pregnant last summer we went to Disneyworld, and as soon as i saw the castle I started crying because I was finally there. lol. Must be a preggo thing :)

  3. I want to go too!!! Carl and I would like to bring the kids, but want them to be old enough to remember it - which would probably be about now. I love that you did this - thank you!

  4. I don't think you could ever get too old for Disney World. That's where we went on our honeymoon, and it seriously is the happiest place on earth. I hope that you'll get the chance. I had never been before so that's where Ken wanted to take me. He loves it as much as I do.
