Friday, March 26, 2010

Long Walks and Housework

I can't even remember what I did yesterday morning, so it must not have been anything important. I think I just did stuff on the computer. I do remember that after Mitchell went to class, I kept smelling smoke while I was sitting at the computer. There's a bunch of repairmen fixing stuff around the complex, so I figured it was something they were doing. Then I turned around and saw a small fire outside of my front window. Somehow some of the woodchips in the area next to our apartment had caught on fire. They put it out and everything was fine, but it was a little scary at first.

Joseph and I showered and then we walked to Rite Aid, which is just down the street. I browsed at different beauty products until Joseph couldn't stand to be there any longer. Then we walked down to Food Lion. When I got home with the groceries, I learned that buying eggs and walking home with them is not a very good idea because 4 of them broke on the way home.

Because we were out walking during naptime neither of us got a nap. So Joseph actually fell asleep at 8, which is early for him. I was considering going to bed early, but Mitchell called me while delivering pizzas. He was frusterated because one of his managers had been really condescending and rude to him. I decided to clean up the living room (which looked like a train wreck) so that he would have something nice to come home, too. I went to bed at 10 when I couldn't stay awake any longer. I've been absolutely awful about housework the past week or so and it felt really good to get the living room clean.

I'm feeling pretty great today and the sun just broke through the clouds, so I think it's going to be a beautiful day. I'm planning on getting a lot of good stuff done today.

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