Friday, March 12, 2010

Morning Sickness is taking over my life!!

I don't really feel like posting, but I want to get back in the habit. To be truthful, I don't feel like doing anything. I do have a reason for that, though. In order to deal with my morning sickness, I'm taking half a Unisom and a Vitamin B6 twice a day. Since Unisom is a sleeping pill, I'm tired all day and night. I'm also wearing motion sickness bands on my wrists from the minute I wake up until it's time for bed. And I still throw up every morning! I would rather be tired than severely nauseated, though. When I was pregnant with Joseph, the morning sickness lasted until I was around 15 to 18 weeks pregnant. Hopefully, it won't last as long this time around. Mitchell is very understanding of my exhaustion and sickness. The past couple days, he's fed Joseph breakfast while I've been in the bathroom puking. He did his own laundry today. And he isn't complaining about my almost non-existent cooking and cleaning. I did clean the kitchen and living room yesterday, but they are already a distaster. And all my energy was spent grocery shopping today. The only thing I can think to do is push myself a little harder.

I hope this isn't too much of a downer. I'm not depressed or anything. I'm really just too exhausted to have any real emotions. One good thing is that I've been getting a lot of good reading time.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry! What a sweet hubby! It sounds like he's really taking good care of you!
