Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I know it's been a long time since I've posted. I'm going to give you some excuses as to why I haven't. And it's not because nothing interesting has happened. In fact, it's been an eventful month.

Excuse #1 - I started trying to post a Best of 2009 List with pictures and it got complicated and messed up and then Joseph prevented me from finishing. It seemed too complicated so I kept procrastinating posting it and my linear mind wouldn't let me skip it and come back later.

Excuse #2 - Mitchell has a bunch of big projects for school that require him to spend a lot of time on the computer, so he's frequently using it.

Excuse #3 - We've been sick again with fevers, coughs, and congestion. Joseph's has turned into his 2nd ever ear infection. The funny thing is that the only 2 ear infections he's ever had have happened just since January.

Excuse #4 - We found out a couple weeks ago that I am expecting Baby #2. I've been exhausted, moody, and, just in the past week, morning (all-day) sick.

I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard, but I decided to force myself to post or I probably never would. And Mitchell's drawing in his sketchbook right now, so the computer's free for once (it's Spring Break this week, so he's on the computer 90% of the day).

I'll have more updates when I'm not so exhausted.


  1. Congratulations! Was it planned? A toddler and pregnancy is tough.

  2. Congratulations on baby #2! That is so exciting! And I'm so sorry that you've all been sick - with morning sickness on top, yuck!

  3. Congrats on baby number 2!! That is so exciting! Glad things seem to be going well for you guys:)

  4. Yes, it was planned. It's going to be hard, but we decided that it's time.

  5. I am glad that you blogged! Congratulations!
