Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Exhaustion and Games

I'm tired. That's all the thought that my brain can really hold right now. My house is a huge mess, but it took me most of the day to work up the energy to clean any of it. My kitchen is semi-clean now (dinner last night messed up it's cleanliness) and there isn't a mountain of laundry on my bedroom floor. I think I'm going to have the same problem today. Exhaustion is weighing down all my muscles and aching in my bones and my brain is working at half-speed. I don't know if it's just being pregnant or if the change in the weather is affecting me (it went from being bright, sunny, and warm to gloomy, rainy, and cold on Sunday). I think all I plan on doing today is reading until it's time to make dinner for Mitchell and go to Ellen's for American Idol. Maybe a day of rest will help me feel better.

On a somewhat funny note, Mitchell's friend Peter came over last night to play a game with us. The funny part is the game. When I became a part of Mitchell's family, I learned that they like to play role playing games. Mostly they just play Star Wars the Role Playing game, but occasionally Dungeons and Dragons and other similar games. When all of his siblings are in town, we spend hours playing Star Wars. So last night, Peter came over to help us roll up characters for a game called HackMaster. I'm in the process of creating a Halfling Thief and Mitchell is a Human Warrior. Apparently, this is going to become a weekly thing. It's going to Mitchell's de-stresser until the end of the school semester. He's under a lot of pressure because it's his last semester before he gets his degree and now he's also working 2 jobs. So anyways, that was our FHE activity last night.

1 comment:

  1. My husband role played too. I was an Ewok in Star Wars. I had a vocabulary of like 5 words and that made it fun and interesting to get my point across. The last time we played I was a black Swanmay (in D & D) and I loved it.
