Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Blog Title

First of all, it's been FOREVER since I posted. So much for trying to post every day. There have been many, many things that have kept me from posting. And prepare yourselves because I'm going to catch up. I've decided to do lots of smaller posts when I get the chance instead of one really long post. Maybe it will be easier to read that way.

Now, as to why I renamed my blog. I have been doing so well with my new medication that I hardly even remember that I have depression. I haven't felt this happy and normal in years. It's great!

And I will explain the title now. Mitchell has grown up here in Virginia Beach. His family has been living in the same house for some 20+ years (except for a few years in California, but his oldest brother stayed here). His family has been in the Virginia Beach Stake for 20+ years and in the Kempsville Ward since it was formed. Everyone knows the Ellis family. Frequently, I'm "Mitchell's Wife" or we are "Ellen's Kids". We had a few confusing times when they would say something about Sis. Ellis and we wouldn't know which one. So as a joke, Mitchell started referring to us as Ellis Major and the rest of his family as Ellis Minor. It's kinda funny, so I stole it.

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