Sunday, November 20, 2011


Yesterday afternoon, after eating some delicious pumpkin pie at the birthday party of one of Annabelle's friends, I broke out into hives. At first I just thought I had an itchy back, but then it spread to my arms, shoulders, and the back of my neck. I haven't itched that bad in a very long time, not since I was having allergy tests and stuff done. We have no idea if it was something in the pie that caused it or if it was something else. I spent all of yesterday evening in bed either sleeping or almost sleeping because of the Benadryl that I had to take to keep the itching under control. We also didn't go to church this morning because the hives were still bad enough that I couldn't have anything touching my back. It was probably around 10 or 11 this morning that I was finally able to have my shirt down and touching my lower back. I still itch a little bit, but it is nothing compared to what it was yesterday. It will probably always be a mystery as to what actually caused the break out...

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