Monday, June 20, 2011

First Day of School

Today was a really good first day of school. It was nice to wake up early and read my scriptures alone and in a quiet house.

My first class was at 8 and it was Writing and Rhetoric 150. All of the other students in my class seem to be brand-new, fresh-out-of-high-school, 18 year-old freshmen. My teacher is a student teacher halfway through working on her Masters. I think I am much closer to her in age rather than the other students in my class. It is really interesting being in a class where I am the "old" one.

My second class is Principles of Statistics 121. I was very excited to see Annemarie in my class as well as my old visiting teacher and her husband who are very good friends to me and Mitchell. I am pretty sure that I will like this class. The teacher is really a lot of fun and I loved listening to her talk.

My biggest fear is that I will not be able to keep up with the heavy reading and work load that comes with both of these classes. I am going to try really hard, though.

Mitchell had a really good morning with the kids and took great care of them. I'm so grateful for the good day that we had and for the amazing opportunity that I have to go to college.


  1. It's fun to be in the same class as you!

  2. If you ever need some time to study I would be happy to come down and take all the kids to play!

  3. You'll be fine! Just stay motivated -- that was the hardest part for me in college.
