Monday, April 11, 2011

Two Long Days

I actually started typing this blog yesterday, but I got too tired after all the crazy activities. I'm super tired right now, but I'm going to make sure to post before I fall asleep. My blogging goal is to write at least 3 things about each day. Yesterday: 1. We went shopping with Pam! It was super fun. We went to Old Navy and got cute Easter outfits for Annabelle, Joseph, and me. We also got lunch together at one of my favorite restaurants, Noodles and Company. Joseph and Dutch were so excited to play together and didn't want to be separated when it was time to go to lunch. It was also funny that when I told Joseph that we were going to see Pam and Dutch, he got really excited and then he asked where Tina was, made a comment about Annemarie going downstairs, and finally started talking about Samantha and Athena. It's funny how he connects family together so well. 2. I accidentally took a nap. I was just going to lay down for 20 minutes, but my alarm never went off and I woke up an hour and a half later when Mitchell came home. 3. We had a really fun ward activity. It was a barbeque and we took a ward family picture, too. It was so fun to sit and talk with all of our friends in the ward. I haven't had this many really, good friends at church in a long time. I really love our ward! It's sad, though, because a lot of our friends are moving out this month or next month. The ward changes so much here because people are always graduating and moving out or getting married and moving in. 4. I didn't get the kids to bed until almost midnight! That wasn't fun. Annabelle just wouldn't settle down and since she was staying awake, Joseph wasn't going to go to sleep. It took forever for Annabelle to wear herself out. I don't know why she had so much energy. Today: 1. I made Banana Chocolate Chip muffins. They were really good. 2. Joseph saw his friends outside pretty early, so we went out, too. It was kinda cold, but it was fun sitting and talking with my friends. We were watching the BYU tree guys cut huge branches out of the trees. It was pretty cool. 3. Annabelle put herself to bed!! I swaddled her and put her in her crib and then I turned on her noisemaker (it does different nature sounds, tonight's is a heartbeat sound). I had to go check on Joseph so I just left her there. She kicked her legs for a bit and looked around. I came back in and watched as she just fell asleep. It was really awesome! I hope she sleeps a long time tonight. She seemed like she had a bit of a fever before she went to bed. I think it's because she is teething. I hope it is because she is teething. 4. I straightened my living room. The floor was so messy that you could hardly even walk through the room. It's so much nicer now, although I still need to vacuum it. Okay, Annabelle is actually awake now. She probably just wants to nurse. I feel proud of myself for blogging twice this week already! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE hearing updates about your life! Glad the kids are doing well and you guys
